Immersive Learning for Low-Literate People
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Financial Literacy
Collaborative Problem-Solving
Augmented Reality
Serious Game
Game-based Learning
Immersive Learning

How to Cite

Winther, Esther, Jessica Paeßens, Monika Tröster, and Beate Bowien-Jansen. 2022. “Immersive Learning for Low-Literate People: Opportunities of Augmented Reality in Basic Financial Literacy”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 47 (AR/VR - Part 1): 267-87.


Copyright (c) 2022 Esther Winther, Jessica Paeßens, Monika Tröster, Beate Bowien-Jansen

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The present findings show that the promises of the digitalisation of learning have not (yet) been fulfilled. Despite digital offerings, access to education is highly selective in the various educational sectors, and the use of educational offerings (still) depends on individual educational socialisation, age and place of residence. These findings are anything but encouraging, especially for adult education, which relies heavily on voluntary participation in its educational offerings. The article shows which approaches immersive adult education offers – and here especially in the area of literacy/basic education – can use to realise a high level of participant loyalty as well as favourable learning prognoses. The focus is particularly on how immersive learning opportunities must be designed in terms of content and instruction in order to address a variety of challenges in basic education courses (e.g. topics relevant to life, independence of learning location, ability to collaborate). The concept presented here also focuses on the increasingly changing role of course offerings in basic education (from social spaces to learning spaces) and explores the potential of immersive and game-based course design with augmented reality.


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