Opportunities and Challenges for Supporting the Learning Process via Augmented Reality
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Augmented Reality
Work related learning
Problem-solving learning
Vocational education
metal industry

How to Cite

Menzel, Mareike, Kim Wepner, and Sven Schulte. 2022. “Opportunities and Challenges for Supporting the Learning Process via Augmented Reality: Shaping an AR Learning Environment Using the Example of a Bending Process Within the Metal Industry”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 47 (AR/VR - Part 1): 157-71. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/47/2022.04.08.X.


Copyright (c) 2022 Mareike Menzel, Kim Wepner, Sven Schulte

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Particularly in the context of the implementation of new technologies in the world of work, vocational pedagogy as a discipline is challenged to develop and evaluate concepts and approaches that are coping with learning and addressing the enhancement of competence development in the work process by digital media. The «LAARA»-project tackles the question of how augmented reality technology can be used from a didactic-methodological perspective to support the training and qualification of skilled workers in the metal industry. The focus is set on a special bending process for metal pipes, for which context-sensitive aids and information offers are used and evaluated in different scenarios directly in the work process. The article outlines the application concept of AR technology and the learning approach. In order to analyze the corresponding shaping criteria, different settings are implemented that take into account the technology, the initial expertise of the participants and the existing media affinity as distinctive features for work process-oriented and media-supported learning.



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