Situational Interest of Children in Primary Science Education Depending on Lesson Time and Tablet Use
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Situational Interest
tablet based lessons
primary science education
promoting interest

How to Cite

Köhn, Verena, Maria Todorova, and Anna Windt. 2023. “Situational Interest of Children in Primary Science Education Depending on Lesson Time and Tablet Use”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 2023 (Occasional Papers): 230-53.


Copyright (c) 2023 Verena Köhn, Maria Todorova, Anna Windt

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Existing studies indicate that the use of tablets is suitable for stimulating learnersʼ interest in the classroom. Up to now, it remains an open question as to whether the internationally differing curricular requirements for promoting media competence through digital media (within regular lesson time vs. with additional lesson time in terms of a particular subject) influence the pupilsʼ interest in the lesson. To answer this question, a group that used tablets in primary science during regular lesson time (n = 20) and a group that used tablets in primary science and additional lesson time to learn how to use the tablets (n = 27) were compared with a control group of fourth graders (n = 31) taught without tablets. The results indicate differences between the groups in interest depending on the instruction provided, with the group with additional lesson time being superior to the other tablet group. This suggests that additional lesson time may be conducive to situational interest when using tablets in subject lessons at primary level. Finally, we discuss the results against the background of the self-determination theory and point out the limitations of the study.


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