Online Activities and Far Right Attitudes in Adolescence
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right-wing extremism

How to Cite

Schröder, Carl Philipp, Laura-Romina Goede, Lena Lehmann, and Thomas Bliesener. 2024. “Online Activities and Far Right Attitudes in Adolescence”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 59 (Desinformation von Rechts*): 77-103.


Copyright (c) 2024 Carl Philipp Schröder, Laura-Romina Goede, Lena Lehmann, Thomas Bliesener

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Internet use is an essential part of young people‘s everyday lives. On the one hand, this technological development is accompanied by a host of positive new opportunities. On the other hand, social media in particular can pose a risk to young people of becoming involved in radicalization processes. So far, research has hardly looked at the question of which specific online activities lead to radicalization or go hand in hand with it. The connection between far-right attitudes and various online activities such as consumption, networking, and posting is examined in this paper with a gender differentiation, since both online behavior and the extent of extremist attitudes differ for boys and girls, and thus it can be assumed that the connection also requires gender-specific consideration. Data from a school survey (N = 6,715) conducted by the Criminological Research Institute of Lower Saxony and funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research are used. The results show that far right attitudes are associated with the consumption of political websites (especially among boys). Networking and posting behavior show only low correlations with far-right attitudes (regardless of gender).


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