Foundations of Socio-Cultural Ecology: Consequences for Media Education and Mobile Learning in Schools
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Rummler, Klaus. 2014. „Foundations of Socio-Cultural Ecology: Consequences for Media Education and Mobile Learning in Schools“. MedienPädagogik: Zeitschrift für Theorie Und Praxis Der Medienbildung 24 (Educational Media Ecologies):1-17.


Copyright (c) 2014 Klaus Rummler

Dieses Werk steht unter der Lizenz Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 International.


This conceptual paper offers insights to the foundations of Socio-Cultural Ecology and relates this concept to traditional concepts of Ecology e.g. media ecology or Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model of child development. It will further discuss the term «ecology» as a relation between learners and their surrounding physical and structural world, e. g. an ecology of resources or the classroom as an ecological system. Thirdly more recent concepts in ecology will be considered e. g. Digital Media Ecology including media ecology (German: Medienökologie) from a German perspective. This contribution tries to describe common principles of (media) ecologies and will ask after their meaning and relation to media education and mobile learning. One of the main results is the realisation that cultural practices of school learning and cultural practices of media acquisition take place in different worlds or in different ecological spheres. The question is thus again of how to bridge these ecological spheres, and how «agency» developed outside school, can be nourished inside school. In other words: how can we bridge socio-cultural and technological structures within these cultural practices.


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